구법 전문인력이민 소송 결과에 대하여
누적된 구법 전문인력이민 신청서들 해소 명령에 따라 일방적으로 철회절차를 밟은 캐나다 이민국에 대하여 캐나다의 콜링변호사를 선임하여 소송을 벌였던 긴 과정의 결과는 실패입 니다. 그러한 연방법원의 판결에 대한 추가적인 이의재기 소송을 진행하고자 하시는 분은 추가적 인 수수료를 수납하여 처리할 예정이랍니다. 참여할 의시가 있으시면 참여하실 수 있으나 현재까지의 진행 과정을 통해 계속 확인되는 이민국의 강경한 입장때문에 긍정적이지 않습니다.
Colin Singer On Wed, 17 Sep 2014, wrote:
We wish to inform you of recent developments in the pending litigation affecting the skilled worker backlog of cases, in which your application comprised.
The Federal Court of Appeal rendered its decision on the pending court challenge we initially instituted in 2012 and re-instituted in 2013 on behalf of our affected clients. Regrettably the Federal Court of Appeal decision is not favourable. The judgement (see link below) comprises more than 45 pages and addresses many of the issues we raised. Although we are not in agreement with this outcome we have no choice to accept its findings at this stage.
You may find a copy of this judgement here: http://www.canadaclassaction.com/
We have worked very hard for our clients over the past many years. We took legal action against the new law even though we had no legal obligation to do so. Despite our very best efforts the matter has now definitively concluded, unfavourably.
We are now considering an appeal of the FCA decision. This will require additional funding. We will therefore ask you to confirm whether you would be interested in contributing a further modest sum of $200 towards an eventual appeal at the SCC level. If we receive a sufficient response from enough candidates, we will consider taking the matter further. (주)한마음이민유학센터 (02)564-8888 www.han-maum.net 이메일 문의 : hanmaum@han-maum.net 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 403 리치타워 1503호