
이민ㆍ유학ㆍ여행의 전문적인 파트너

미국 영주권 취득 및 투자금 환급까지 100% 성공의 EB-5 투자자의 파트너

한마음이민법인과 EB5 Capital의 100% 성공 기록


미국 투자이민은 년 쿼터 만개로 쿼터가 여유롭지 못해도 한국인 국적자의 경우 2년의 수속기간으로 영주권을 취득하고 있습니다. 전세계 지원자들에게 허용되는 년 만개의 쿼터인데 2년의 수속기간으로 영주권을 취득한다면 무척 빠른 수속입니다.

한국인의 경우 년 만개의 비자 발급을 근거로 50세대 이하로 투자이민 영주권을 취득하고 있다고 추정할 수 있습니다.

이렇듯 의외로 많지 않은 이유는 영주권을 취득하기 위해 반드시 수행하여야 할 at risk investment 때문입니다.

미국 정부가 경제 이민 부류 중 하나인 투자이민 프로그램을 통해 미국 경제를 발전시키고 실업률을 줄이기 위해 1990년 EB-5  카테고리를 제정하였고 이후 꾸준하게 경제적 기여도가 인정되어 2016년 현재까지 투자이민은 미국 영주권을 받을 수 있는 방법으로 유지되고 있습니다. 또한 이러한 역사 속에 투자자들에게 간접 투자를 통해 편리하게 미국 경제에 기여할 수 있도록 리저널센터라는 파트너를 선택하여 투자를 수행할 수 있게 하였습니다.

미국 투자이민 신청을 촉진 시키는 리저널센터는 합자회사의 형태를 갖춥니다. 영주권을 목적으로 참여하는 50만불 한계 투자자들을 파트너로 모아서 그 모아진 일정 규모의 자금을 전망있고 안전하며 투자자들이 영구 영주권을 취득한 후엔 투자금과 약정한 이자까지 모두 환급할 수 있는 명료한 투자금 회수 전략을 짜고 관리하는 영주권을 목적으로 한 투자자들의 투자 대행 및 투자금 환급까지 책임을 갖고 서비스 회사입니다.


한마음이민법인은 리저널센터 중 가장 완벽한 트랙레코드를 증명하고 있는 EB5 Capital과 함께 2016년 5월 31일에 I-526 신청서 패키지를 접수하였습니다. 본 지원 건은 평균심사 기간 17개월 대기를 기대하며 2017년 10월에 승인소식을 받고 이후 NVC 수속을 통해 2018년 4월 경엔 영주권을 취득할 수 있을 것으로 안내하였습니다.


한마음이민법인은 지난 10여년간 EB-5 투자 고객님들께 Canam -> CMB -> EB5 Capital의 100% 투자금 환급의 실적을 증명하는 전통있는 리저널센터와 협조하였습니다, 최근 3년 동안은 최저 투자금액이 80만불로 인상될 것이란 긴장감으로 한국인 고객들의 적극적인 관심과 요청으로 최고 가치를 자랑하는 로케이션인 뉴욕주 부동산 개발 프로젝트에 투자할 고객을 모집하는 NYIFUND, Extell과도 협조하며 새롭게 100% 환급 실적까지 증명할 리저널 센터 프로젝트들과도 협조하였습니다.

AT RISK INVESTMENT, 그러나 전문적이고 성실하며 투자자들의 자금을 약정대로 회수할 수 있을 완벽한 전략으로 투자자의 영주권 취득에서 투자금 환급까지 책임질 수 있는 파트너를 선택한다면 안심해도 됩니다.

2014년 봄과 2016년 봄 코엑스 투자이민 박람회에서 한마음이민법인은 EB5 Capital을 공개적으로 가장 완벽한 트랙 레코드를 증명한 리저널센터로 소개하였는데, 그 이유는 I-526, I-829, 원금 환급까지 단 1건도 실패가 없는 기록을 증명하여 주었기 때문입니다. 한마음의 미국 투자이민 고객을 위한 특별한 파트너 중 하나입니다.

May 2016
Project Announcement: LA-Agoura Hills Marriott Hotels (Jobs Fund 19)
LA-Agoura Hills Marriott Hotels (Jobs Fund 19)
Malibu Beach
Residence in Agoura Hills

We are pleased to officially introduce our current project, LA-Agoura Hills Marriott HotelsThe hotel is being developed by Huntington Hotel Group (HHG), who we previously partnered with on the development of our San Jose Marriott Hotels (Jobs Fund 6) project. LA-Agoura Hills Marriott Hotels is the development of a dual-branded, 225-room Courtyard and TownePlace Suites in Los Angeles County, California. The project site is located within driving distance of the area"s major hotel demand drivers, as well as the beaches of Malibu, the Santa Monica mountains, and downtown Los Angeles.
1000 F (Jobs Fund 11) First I-526 Approvals!

1000 F
 (Jobs Fund 11) Project Webcam Photo, Taken May 16, 2016
1000 F
(Jobs Fund 11) Rendering
As Limited Partners in the project already know, we have begun to receive I-526 approvals for investors in 1000 F (Jobs Fund 11). The mixed-use office and retail development is currently under construction and is expected to be completed in September 2016. Thank you to all of our Limited Partners in 1000 F for helping to make this project such a success!
Columbia Place (Jobs Fund 9) Official Closing Announcement
Columbia Place 
(Jobs Fund 9) Rendering
We are pleased to share the exciting news regarding the official closing of Columbia Place (Jobs Fund 9). On April 27th, 2016, our $40.5 million investment officially closed. Both our Partnership and Wells Fargo, the senior lender, closed with the developer simultaneously. The closing of Columbia Place was officially announced in a press release that was published on several online media outlets on May 2, 2016. You can read the official press release here: EB5 Capital Provides $40.5 Million for Columbia Place
. Demolition and historical preservation work on the project has now begun. Thank you to all of our investors in Columbia Place!
USCIS Approves EB5 Capital"s CA Regional Center Expansion
Earlier this month, we received notice from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) that our I-924 petition to expand our EB5 Capital - California Regional Center was approved. In addition to counties in the Bay Area, this expansion authorizes us to do projects in Southern California.
About EB5 Capital
EB5 Capital raises foreign capital to invest in job-creating projects across the country. Our clients, from more than 45 countries, are eligible to receive Permanent Residence in the United States for themselves and their families by investing through our USCIS-approved Regional Centers. To date, we enjoy a 100% I-526 and I-829 project approval rate. We are also one of the few Regional Centers to have taken investors through the full immigration and investment cycle (I-526, I-829, return of funds). 
The material presented herein is for informational purposes only and is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security by EB5 Capital or any of its affiliates ("EB5"). This material may not be relied upon in connection with the purchase or sale of any security. Securities, if offered, will only be available to persons who are "accredited investors" or otherwise qualified investors pursuant to a confidential private placement memorandum and subscription agreement. 

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EB5 Capital at IIUSA"s 9th Annual EB-5 Advocacy Conference 
The team at EB5 Capital"s premier sponsor booth in the Marriott Marquis Ballroom
This past month, members of our team attended IIUSA"s 9th Annual EB-5 Advocacy Conference. This year"s conference was particularly special for EB5 Capital, not only because it took place here in downtown Washington, D.C., but also because the event was hosted at the Marriott Marquis Convention Center hotel, which many of you know was EB5 Capital"s third project. EB5 Capital"s President Angelique Brunner spoke on one of the premier panels of the event, titled "Interactive Roundtable Discussion: The EB-5 Crystal Ball."
EB5 Capital featured at 2016 EB5 Investors Shanghai Expo 
Brian Ostar, EB5 Capital Director, Global Operations, Moderating Panel 
(Photo Courtesy of EB5 Investors)
Brian Ostar, our D.C.-based Director of Global Operations, and members of our team based in China, Ruoyan Zhao and Bella Bao, recently attended the 2016 Shanghai EB5 Investment & Immigration Expo, hosted by EB5 Investors at the Jing An Shangri-La hotel in Shanghai, China. Brian was a featured moderator of one of the event"s most highly-attended panels, "Hot Topics in Project Underwriting," which covered topics including due diligence considerations given the September 30th sunset date, high-risk project characteristics, and the potential effects of the Jay Peak SEC complaint. The two-day expo brought together some of the most established players in the industry.
EB5 Capital New Team Members

Jen Kim, 
Senior Associate, Investor Relations
Molly FitzGerald, Associate, 
Legal Services
EB5 Capital recently welcomed two new team members to our quickly-growing staff. Jen Kim joins us as a Senior Associate on our Investor Relations team, and will be focusing on forging new relationships and increasing our presence in South Korea. Jen is originally from Seoul, South Korea, where she graduated from Suwon Women"s College before moving to Canada to continue her studies. Molly FitzGerald joins us as our Legal Services Associate. Molly is a native of the D.C. area, and her previous work experience includes a position with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). In her role on our Legal Services team, Molly will assist with the preparation of USCIS filings, monitor investors" cases, and provide updates and assistance to clients. With the addition of Jen and Molly to the team, EB5 Capital now has a staff of over 30 employees across the United States and in China. We are thrilled with our company"s continued growth and expansion into new markets.